Wednesday, April 25, 2012


私は春が大好きです。今天気がとてもいいですね。天気がいい時にRoller Bladeをすることが好きですが今RollerBladesがありません。このRollerBladesを買いたいですがこれはちょっと高いですよ。

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


今Law and Order: Special Victims Unitを見ています。Law and Orderはわたしの一番好きなテレビばんぐです。ぜんぶで見たことがあります。そして, The OfficeやSopranosやHouseやGame of Thrownsをみることがすきです。先週新しいGame of Thronesのシーズンをはじめました。


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

About Communication

The aspect I probably look forward to the most is learning how to make beer. It's something I was interested in doing already but now have the motivation to actually get done. I think the pod-cast will make it that much more enjoyable and educational since I will have to completely grasp the process to be able to explain it to other people. Beyond that I look forward to learning more about video editing and creating education works that need to be accessible to a wide audience. It's easy to teach someone something when they have an applicable background, but to create a lesson plan for a group of student that have no experience in the subject material will be a new and interesting experience, which ties into the question on communication. 
I would say communication is the ability to convey your thoughts to others in a manner they can clearly understand. Communication can be enhanced by visuals or examples but the ultimate goal is to be able to have another person grasp what you're thinking and trying to impart. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012




一月十一日にかのじょうとWashington DCのCoco Salaのレストランで晩ごはんをたべました。Coco Salaはとてもおいしいチョコレットがあります。チョコレットやパスタをたべました。晩ごはんのあとでVerizon CenterでWashington Capitalsのホーキーをみました。アレクス オベチュケンはいちばんじょうずなプレイアです。オベチュケンはかぷてんですね。わたしはニューヨークレンジャズがすきですから、そのチームがあまり好きじゃないですね。